Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day

Honoring All Who Served
We Thank You
Happy Veterans Day

Visit Our Website at:

Friday, November 1, 2013

ATL LIMS Reminder to Set your Clocks Back

Hey Folks, just a friendly reminder, its that time of year again where Daylights savings time is coming to an end and we must once again set our clocks back to standard time (set the clock back one hour) at 2am this Sunday. The best part is we get an extra hour this weekend! However, please note that this guidance may not apply to you if your lucky enough to live in Hawaii (where you go on the great island time) and also in most parts of Arizona.

 Enjoy! and be sure to stop by our website at:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween from ATL

LIMS Halloween

Happy Halloween from your friends at 

Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc. (ATL)

Visit our website at:

Monday, October 28, 2013

Join Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc and AllMax Software for a Breakfast Seminar

Join Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc and AllMax Software for a Breakfast Seminar

Learn about the benefits of laboratory automation, LIMS and data management and reporting software designed specifically for water and wastewater organizations. 

Tuesday November 5th, 2013

Hyatt Regency Long Beach-Pacific Room
200 South Pine Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90802

7:00am - 8:00am
Breakfast will be provided, please register at our booth by 6:00pm November 4th, 2013

To learn more about our automation solutions - please stop by and visit ATL in booth #315
or visit our website at

To speak to a sales representative, call us at 1-(800)-565-LIMS (5467) toll free in the US and Canada. 

The ATL LIMS Road Show - The Road to Better Data Management

The ATL LIMS Road Show - The Road to Better Data Management
Learn how ATL's LIMS can help your laboratory to increase 
productivity, maximize resource and meet regulatory compliance goals.  

November 22, 2013 10am to 1pm at Reston, VA

Microsoft Building
12012 Sunset Hills Rd.
Reston, VA 20190

Lunch will be server - Please RSVP to Kristin Goodwin

1-(800)-565-LIMS (5467)
Visit our website at:

ATL LIMS - Save the Date User Group Meeting

Save the Date - ATL User Group Meeting
November 22, 2013 from 12:00 to 3:00pm at Reston, VA

Microsoft Building
12012 Sunset Hills Rd.
Reston, VA 20190

Lunch will be served - Please RSVP to Kristin Goodwin
1-(800)-565-LIMS (5467)


Monday, October 7, 2013

Is Your LIMS stuck in the 90’s? It is Time to go Mobile!

Dr. Christine Paszko, Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc.

Although there has been a proliferation of the use of smart phones and tablets over a variety of industries, field data collectors are still carrying around many paper forms to capture data. Many laboratories are limping along with old laboratory data management technology that limits the laboratories abilities to work efficiently, quickly generate the best quality data and maximize their resources. Over time, business needs changes and the technology must change to ensure that those needs are met and the laboratory remains efficient and productive. Although tablets are in use, they are often only used for checking email, browsing the web or sharing photos. Using tablets to let field collectors know what the schedule of collected samples is for the day is not only smart, but more efficient and provides better data quality and faster data management. This also ensures that no sampling events are missed, especially those for regulatory compliance purposes.

Leveraging tablets and smart phones to replace paper based data capture in the field means that organizations can:

  • Increase their efficiency by conducting more collections/inspections/visits in shorter time frames
  • Save on mailing, data-entry costs and errors made in transcription
  • Send real-time information (data and images) to the LIMS from the field for reporting and analysis
  • Provider quicker services and responses to customers, leading to higher customers satisfaction and also increased revenue
  • No need to remember schedule collections or inspections as they are sent from the LIMS
  • Quickly investigate customer complaints and upload data to the laboratory in real-time 
For more on LIMS Mobile Solutions or to receive your free demo, please visit our site at:

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Benefits of Barcoding in Food Testing Laboratories

lims solutions
Many food testing laboratories are under increased pressure to control costs while providing high quality data. Often this data is delivered electronically, and as quickly as possible, all the while ensuring that regulatory compliance goals are met. To survive in a competitive testing market, many laboratories turn to automation to provide them a competitive advantage. Automation tools include the implementation of a LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System), instrument integration and barcoding are just a few of the tools that laboratories deploy. Of these tools, one of the most affordable tools is the implementation of barcoding. A barcode is actually a font that is made up of various spaced parallel lines, and these lines of varying widths, can be read (interpreted by optical scanners called barcode readers) and often converted to a numerical value of the sample number. Some laboratories have more information that they would like to include on the label and this can be achieved with two dimensional barcodes, which appear as a geometric patterns and special two dimensional optical scanners are required to read them. The two dimensional barcodes contain additional information about the sample, the tests to be performed, the date, sample number and any other critical information. The LIMS can generate the barcoded
labels for all logged samples automatically. The main benefits of scanning barcodes include the time savings, over manually entering in a sample number or additional information in a two dimensional barcode, increased accuracy, elimination of transcription errors and increased productivity. 

For more information on barcodes in LIMS, please visit ATL’s web site at: